18 weeks

I can’t believe I am 18 weeks pregnant with our little science miracle! A lot has happened since my last post. I’m not sure why I haven’t been updating, except that I know I’ve been super busy and therefore super tired. I mentioned awhile ago that I wanted to start documenting the pregnancy more, but I haven’t. I did take a 13 week bump photo, but it came out blurry and I got discouraged, so I put off taking anymore photos. I’ve started feeling like time is starting to fly by and like I’m going to regret not documenting this pregnancy. I guess deep down I still was scared. But documenting what’s happening isn’t going to change the outcome of anything and I know that no matter what happens I will want to be able to look back and read about everything. So, here it goes…

How Far Along: 18 weeks

How Big is Baby: Well, according to “The Bump” Keytar is about the size of a sweet potato and according to “Baby Center” he or she is about the size of a bell pepper. Both say he/she is about 5 1/2 inches long but we know that is not the case for this lengthy one. At our 16 week ultrasound Keytar was measuring above the 75th percentile at 7 inches and 5 oz! Mr. Wannabe and I are both on the taller end, so I guess this little one really IS OUR snowflake. So, we’re not really sure just how big this little miracle is right now, but we have an ultrasound in less than 2 weeks, so we’ll find out if I’m growing a giant soon enough.

Gender: Waiting for the big surprise!

Baby’s Milestones This Week: Keytar’s bones are starting to harden, starting with his/her leg bones and inner ear bones. His/her ears are in their final positions now and he/she can now hear. We made an “in utero” playlist that we’ve been playing for him/her. This baby’s gonna love music as much as mommy and daddy!

Total Weight Gain: about 8-10 lbs, depending on what time of day I weigh myself. I started out at about 126 (Thank you Lupron!) and am weighing in at about 134 in the am and 136 in the pm.

Who We’ve Told About the Pregnancy: I think all of the family knows at this point. Most of our NM friends know, since I was called out in front of a bunch of them, although one friend in particular was not there, so he is still unaware. The artists/musicians I work with regularly know, as does my boss. And as for people who don’t live nearby, well, KG, Butchie, Isaac, Liz and Levy,Travis, Kim, Amy W., E.J., Anya, Liz and Levy, Lynnzo, Paul Paul, Kathleen, and I think that’s it. It’s weird because we don’t feel comfortable making an announcement, so we’ve just been telling most people when we see or talk to them. We really need to tell David, Micah/Sari, Adam/Julianna, Ross/Rory, Lauren/Kevin and Jess.

Maternity Clothes: Yes! Thanks to my mom for the maternity shopping spree a few weeks ago when she was here visiting AND to Casey for the hand-me-downs! I still wear one of my pairs of jeans with a bella band, but it really isn’t very comfortable and I can’t stand it for too long. And if I know I’m not going anywhere or seeing anyone, I am mostly in pjs at home.

Stretch Marks: UG! YES! I can’t believe it. One morning I woke up to stretch marks on my boobs at 16+weeks! At first I thought they were sleep lines. Ya know, the indentions you get from a deep sleep? But no, they are real. I have religiously been using stretch oil since I was 12 weeks, in both the am and pm, but my boobs grew sooo quick I guess there was no stopping them. Seriously, I’ve gone from a 34A to a 38C and they’re still growing! I will take the stretch marks on my boobs though. Much better than stomach or thighs! If I only get them on my boobs I will be one happy gal! And, I’m not really complaining, since all I’ve wanted for the last 7+ years is to be pregnant, I’ll take whatever I have to for this little one!

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping with the Snoozle pillow for awhile now. It helps, but trying to sleep on my left side for the majority of the night is really difficult. My hips hurt after awhile so I toss and turn from side-to-side all night long, allowing myself a minute or so on my back in between sometimes.

Best Moment of the Week: Last night I felt Keytar kick 3 times. I’ve been feeling movement since 16w5d, but never kicks like this! I reached down after the first one and put my hand on my belly. I felt the next two on the outside! I yelled to hubby, who was in the kitchen and he ran to the couch. He put his hand on my belly, bent down and said in his deep voice, “Keytar, this is your father. Please kick again so I can feel it.” Keytar kicked again, right where hubby’s hand was!!! I felt it, he felt it! It was INCREDIBLE!

I also am very grateful that I have had no more hemorrhoid action!!! (TMI warning) At 16w5d, I woke at 5:30 am and there was blood! I tried to remain calm but my heart was about to beat out of my chest! I determined it was certainly not vaginal and assumed it was an internal hemorrhoid. I waited until 6:30 am to wake hubby, and finally called the midwife at 7:30 am. She talked to me for awhile and we determined that it was most likely an internal hemorrhoid, since it had been a couple days since I had a bowel movement. I monitored the situation all day, with only a tiny bit more blood. There has been no more blood since. No itching or pain. Hopefully it was a one time occurrence and not foreshadowing. But it’s been a week and a half and I am very thankful for no more blood.

Food Cravings: I have had an aversion to pizza since I was 6 1/2 weeks, but this week I craved Domino’s pan pizza. Very unlike me, but we caved and hubby drove the 20 minutes to go pick one up. He’s the best! Still eating lots of bananas and granny smith apples. Still loving lemonade.

Food Aversions: homemade pizza, melted mozzarella, garlic

Symptoms: Nausea still comes and goes, especially if I wait too long to eat, then I’m totally screwed! Still having headaches, but they are very bearable, so thankful for that. And I’m still tired, although not as much as I was. My nipples itch often. Some back aches.

Labor Signs: NO! NO! NO! No thank you!!!

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: On

Mood: Overall I am so incredibly happy, although I can NOT wait until this semester is over! I’m totally over work and the people.

Movement: Yes! Started feeling movement at 16w5d at our intro to the birthing center class. I felt a few pops, like popcorn popping, and then 3 more times, some strong flutters. I couldn’t wait until the class was over so I could tell hubby! As soon as we got in the car I bursted out, “I felt the baby 4 times while we were in there!!!!” I’ve felt fluttering since and then last night some kicks. Hubby got to feel a kick last night too! Coolest part of this whole journey so far!!!!!!

What I’m Looking Forward To: More movement and kicks that hubby can feel; our midwife appointment this coming Monday; our ultrasound the week after next. Really looking forward to the end of the semester AND the end of hubby’s school year.

What I Miss: hmmmm… I miss being able to spend the day in the kitchen cooking. I miss a clean house.

Nesting: We started the nursery! We bought some furniture and painted it. Next up is painting the closets and room.

baby bump 18 weeks copy


13 weeks

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering where the heck we came up with the nickname Keytar… A keytar is a keyboard guitar. Here’s our favorite guy rockin’ it…

keytar & page

Page McConnell of Phish 


18 thoughts on “18 weeks

  1. thank you for sharing that bit about the hemorrhoids. i’m sorry that happened to you. that must have been beyond scary! i love when people really open up about ALL of the real life facts of pregnancy. i know if i ever wake up to something like that when i am finally pregnant i will now be more knowledgeable about all the possibilities and maybe not be so scared in the moment. thank you!

    • Oh thank you Shannon for your comment. I know it’s a bit TMI but I wanted to document it for myself and for others who may experience something similar. I am so excited for your upcoming cycle! Sending many, many, many thoughts and wishes your way. You SOOOOO deserve for this cycle to work after everything!!! Many hugs!!!

  2. Look at you! Gorgeous baby bump!!! We also didn’t announce our pregnancy, we just told people as we saw them…it just felt wrong to be too celebratory, part of that guarded emotions that come with the territory of our stories. I also craved lemonade!! I do not miss the hip pain when you are trying to sleep. Sounds like you are having a wonderful and uneventful pregnancy…so happy for you!

  3. Look at your adorable bump! I’m so glad you’re documenting this pregnancy, both the good and the not-so-good. Feeling movement from the outside is so exciting, especially when you can share it with your hubby! So happy for you!

  4. Your baby bump is adorable hon and so are you! I’m so thrilled for you, I can’t even express it. I’m continuing to keep you and your little one in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. You look awesome! And I’m so so so so unbelievably happy for you, hubby and little Keytar! Hope you continue to feel good, and everything keeps going smoothly. You’re not planning to find out gender at your anatomy scan, right? As for the scare, you’re so not alone. There is nothing more panic-inducing than the site of blood. After a prenatal yoga session a couple of weeks ago, I bled a little and panicked. After our prenatal checkup the following week, when the OB heard the heartbeat and confirmed everything is fine, she told me that it happens, it’s normal and not to worry. She also said I could return to yoga (yay!). Almost halfway there–such a huge milestone! Sending lots of love from the East Coast.

    • Aww, thanks!!! No, we’re going to let boy or girl be a surprise 🙂 Ug, I’m so sorry you had to deal with the blood scare too. It’s so scary. I’m sooo glad everything is fine though. My midwife also said to me last week that a little blood is ok and happens sometimes. I say no thank you! Sending lots of love to you on the east coast from the southwest!!! XXX

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